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Career pathway fund
Formally known as the FutureForward Counselor Fund

Since Fall 2020, the Five Star Education Foundation has supported FutureForward Counselors with funds to support students.   We enable students in need to complete their training, earn certifications, and graduate with career skills and training that will benefit them and our community.


The FutureForward Counselor Fund will expand to all high schools for the 2022-2023 school year and will now be referred to Career Pathways Fund. As part of the Five Star Resource Closet program, these funds will ensure students who cannot afford materials, supplies, and equipment for their career-based classes will have what they need to continue their training. Need is determined between the counselors and the students. Fund will be co-managed by Adams 12 Career and Technical Education Department and the Counseling Department to ensure that funds are distributed where it is needed the most.


Funds must be used to relieve the financial burden on the students, such as:

  • Mandatory classroom materials and supplies

  • Uniform and/or professional business attire

  • Bus tickets to get to and from campuses and work 

  • Protective equipment for class


Some examples of what the Career Pathways Fund accomplished in the 2021-2022 school year:

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The certified nursing assistant program was given new teaching stethoscopes so that all students could practice bedside nursing at the same time. This investment also expands the capacity for students wanting to enter the profession. 


The emergency medical technician program received new mannequins varying in sizes and weights to practice with realistic expectations for the patients they will care for. They also received new testing blood pumps to ensure classroom equipment matched that in the field. 

The crime scene investigation program received a new mannequin to practice patient and victim care in the field.


Our fire-fighting students are now able to tackle live fires in a safe environment due to a new fire prop.

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