The Five Star Education Foundation works closely with the Adams 12 Five Star Schools by forging partnerships and raising money to invest in student success. In collaboration with the district and business community, we fund opportunities that inclusively prepare students for a variety of options after high school, ranging from post-secondary education to directly entering the workforce.
We focus our attention on equipping students for future success. By investing in proven programs and resources that provide hands-on, real-world experiences, our students are uniquely prepared to compete and succeed after graduation. These students become more ambitious and are more likely to remain engaged in school and be better prepared for the future.
Together, we are working as a community to empower students with the confidence and skills necessary to be successful in an increasingly competitive job market.
The Adams 12 Five Star Education Foundation contributes to the improvement of the overall quality of life in our community through investments in educational services and programs to assist students of the Adams 12 Five Star Schools in achieving their full potential.
The Five Star Education Foundation was formed in September 1985 by 10 dedicated citizens. The founding directors started with a $30,000 authorization loan from the district until the tax-exempt status was in place and the foundation could raise funds on their own. The goal – to raise money from the community to support educational activities that were outside the school district’s general fund budget. This support was provided by way of grants to teachers in the district to implement programs they created.
The Articles of Incorporation for the School District 12 Education Foundation were filed with the State of Colorado Department of State on October 15, 1985 and the foundation distributed its first grants in September 1986. The foundation has been supporting the education of children in the Five Star schools ever since.