These donor-supported funds are designed to partner on initiatives that expose students to career opportunities through experiences, hands-on learning, innovative teaching and other authentic learning pathways. The goal of the Foundation is to fund projects that will have growth potential, either within the school, with the student, or in the community. We want to provide applicants the opportunity to 'test, prove and scale' their initiatives and ideas with these seed funds.
Geographic: Any Adams12 Five Star Employee OR student can apply for these funds under the sponsorship of a home school.
Funds Awarded: Historically, the average size of funding has been around $2,500 but the fund amount varies based on the scope of the project. Currently the total funds available for 2019 is $31,000.
Primary Areas: Career exploration, skill building specific to career pathways, low-income student impact, career readiness.
How to Apply:
Application will be available on the foundation website by July 25, 2019. An application, cover letter and supplemental attachments are accepted.
Attachments required:
Budget of the project and sources of funds (if we are not paying for the entire project)
If a student is applying, a letter of recommendation from a district staff person regarding the project
Application Deadlines: Applications are due on October 1st and funds will be distributed by November 1st.
Restrictions: Funds must be used for the intent provided and funds that are unused by the end of the designated project dates must be returned to the Foundation. All items purchased for projects become the property of the 'home school', not individuals.
There are reporting requirements for these funds. If awarded, the recipient is responsible for reporting on the impact of the funds and how the project is growing. At least one news-worthy photo is required as well as a brief impact report.
Questions that will likely be on the application:
Applicant Information
Background info on you and your group
Project info- Objectives and Activities
Project impact- Outcomes. What are you looking to accomplish? How are you going to get there?
Students impacted- who are they? How many?
How will the project grow?
Budget with true costs not estimates.
How can the Foundation help with this project outside of funds?