The Five Star Education Foundation will award $40,000 to Adams 12 Five Star School’s Northglenn High School for their EC@N-STEM (Early College at Northglenn STEM) program on Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2016 at 11:30 a.m. at Northglenn High School, 601 W. 100th Place, Northglenn, CO. The goal of the program is to provide students with the opportunity to earn their high school diploma and associate’s degree from a community college concurrently for free. Students have six years (four in high school and two beyond) to complete their associate’s degree, although many students will complete both degrees in 4-5 years. This program will serve underrepresented students, which may include minorities, females and first to attend college students, giving them opportunities to take challenging, relevant courses and to gain exposure to the workplace.
The funds from the foundation will provide the inaugural freshmen class with open-source and upgraded software, books, online subscriptions and other supplies necessary for rigorous high school and college level coursework.
It is crucial to the success of this program to ensure the costs are minimal if not non-existent to enrolled students. “This contribution will allow us to ensure students remain in the program, removing barriers so we have little attrition over the course of their experience. It also ensures students have access to high quality materials and technology, allowing them to remain competitive”, said Mr. Kerry Glenn, District PTECH-STEM Coordinator.
The ultimate goal of the Five Star Foundation is to empower students with the confidence and skills to be successful in an increasingly competitive market after high school, so this contribution is a perfect match.
“We are so thrilled to be investing in this very innovative program that will provide hands on, real-world experiences so that Adams 12 students are uniquely prepared to compete and succeed after graduation,” said Foundation Executive Director Mary Litwiler.
The Five Star Education Foundation works closely with the Adams 12 School District by forging partnerships and raising money to invest in student success. In collaboration with Adams 12 Five Star Schools and business community, the Foundation supports opportunities that inclusively prepare students for a variety of options after high school, ranging from post-secondary education to directly entering the workforce.